Email notifications for customers
In this article
- Introduction
- Who receives notification emails?
- When are notification emails sent?
- Disabling email notifications
- Preventing abuse
- Troubleshooting email problems
- Related articles
A benefit of a feedback board is letting your customers and team know that you’re acting on their feedback. So we make it easy for you to tell them with automated email notifications.
The initial contributor and anyone who commented on the suggestion are notified when you change the status of a suggestion.
Automated notification emails are great because:
- You don’t have to do anything as a moderator – it’s automated
- Customers or your team instantly see that you’re hard at work
- Email is an effective way of communicating with people who want to hear from you
Email notifications are sent only for paid, active accounts. Email notifications are not sent for trial accounts. We need to have this limitation to prevent our email system from abuse.
Who receives notification emails?
- The person who made the suggestion
- Any person who commented on the suggestion
- Anyone who voted on the suggestion (this is optional)
- Moderators don’t get notified. We figure you know what’s going on already.
If you also want voters to be given the option of email notification, you can enable this on your dashboard, by going to Settings → Email Settings.
Anyone who upvotes a suggestion then sees this message:
When are notification emails sent?
- Emails are sent once a day. If you make multiple changes to a suggestion, we’ll combine those into a single email notification.
People who receive emails can stop ‘following’ with a single click.
Disabling email notifications
If email notifications are not appropriate for your users, you can turn this off.
In your Feature Upvote dashboard:
- go to “Feedback Boards”, and select “Settings”
- select “Email Settings”
- Uncheck the “Enable email notifications of suggestion updates” checkbox and click “Save changes”
Preventing abuse
With the help of Postmark we track our email delivery and the rate of bounces, spam reports, and unintended uses. We also actively monitor the emails we send, looking for any possible abuse of your account by others.
We’ve had a few instances of spammers trying to become Feature Upvote customers simply to send spam emails. So boards that are triggering well beyond a reasonable number of notifications will have email notifications disabled.
Troubleshooting email problems
You can see exactly what emails have been sent on behalf of your feedback board in your board's email log.