Setting the status for newly approved suggestions
In this article
To keep your feedback board as easy as possible for you to moderate and administer, we offer one-click moderation. Here’s how this works:
- As the moderator you receive an email when a new suggestion is made. This email contains an ‘approve’ link.
- Clicking on the ‘approve’ link instantly approves the suggestion. (‘Approving’ here means making the suggestion available for voting and commenting.)
By default, approving a suggestion assigns it the ‘Under consideration’ status. Some of our customers requested more control over this, so now you can choose which status a newly approved suggestion is given.
Setting the status for newly approved suggestions
On the dashboard, click on ‘Settings’, then go to the ‘Statuses’ tab.
Below the list of statuses, you’ll see a ‘Status for newly approved suggestions’ drop-down list.
From this list, select the status you want for newly approved suggestions and click ‘Save’.
That’s all you need to do. Now newly approved suggestions will be given this status.
You can choose either a built-in status or a custom status you’ve already created.