Creating your own statuses

In this article


Your board comes with a set of built-in statuses:

  • Under consideration
  • Planned
  • Not planned
  • Done

These work well for many teams. However, your workflow might have additional statuses you’d like to add, such as “In progress” or “In testing”. Custom statuses allow you to add these to your feedback board.

How to create a custom status

Go to your dashboard. Select ‘Settings’.

Board settings

Then select the ‘Statuses’ tab.

Board statuses options

Click the “Create” button. A form appears where you can enter your status.

Creating a custom status

We recommend keeping the status name short, just a word or two. For example, “In beta testing”, or “In progress”.

Tip: Status names can include emojis 😀.

The description is optional. If you add a description to your status, this will show as a tooltip in appropriate places.

The colour is used as a background whenever the status is shown. This allows quick visual recognition when scanning a list of suggestions.

Click “Save” and your status is added.

The custom status is now available for you to assign to suggestions.

The custom status also appears in the filter dropdown on your feedback board, allowing your users to filter by this status.

You can temporarily disable a status. If you do disable a status, you won’t be able to assign this status to new suggestions. It will, however, still show on existing suggestions.

Removing a custom status

If you no longer are using a custom status, you can remove it from your feedback back. Do this from the “Statuses” tab on your board’s dashboard.

If any of your board’s suggestions are currently assigned the custom status, you won’t be able to remove it. You’ll first need to change the status for each of those suggestions. Your board’s “moderate” page makes it easy to do this for many suggestions at once.

Changing the ordering of statuses

On the dashboard ‘Statuses’ tab, each status has a “Move up” and “Move down” link. You can use these to change the order in which statuses are shown.

The new ordering takes effect anywhere the statuses are listed. This includes the status filter your customers use to control which suggestions are shown.

This is helpful when your custom status logically comes before some built-in statuses. For example, you added “In beta testing” as a custom status and you want it to show before “Done”.