Turn off moderation of comments and suggestions

In this article


By default, you need to approve all suggestions and comments. This is because:

  • A text field on a public web page will, sooner or later, always attract spammers and fraudsters. Requiring moderation by default is part of our spam prevention system.
  • Moderators can screen out abusive or off-topic stuff before anyone sees it

However, you can turn off moderation if you choose. This could be useful if:

  • You have a private feedback board (password-protected or with Single Sign-On) so contributors have already been vetted and extra moderation is unnecessary
  • You have a private feedback board and want to speed up collaboration by removing the time lag caused by moderation
  • You feel that you trust your contributors and that moderation of all suggestions and comments is unnecessary given that you approve almost everything without changes. However, if you have a public board you may, eventually, attract spammers.

How to turn off moderation

Go to your dashboard. Select ‘Settings’.

Board settings

Then select ‘Moderation’ from the top menu.

Moderation option on dashboard

You have the choice of unselecting ‘Contributor suggestions need to be approved’ and ‘Contributor comments need to be approved’.

We highly recommend that you leave on moderation of suggestions and comments if your board is public. However, the choice is yours.