Discord integration

In this article


If you use Discord a lot you might want to be able to see new suggestions and comments in a dedicated channel. This would save you time switching back and forwards between Discord and Feature Upvote.

Currently, our Discord integration allows you to:

  • Receive notifications of new suggestions and comments in one Discord channel, complete with a link to each comment and suggestion

If you have feedback on how our Discord integration can be improved please add it to our feedback board. We’re actively interested in your ideas about how we can improve our integrations.

Creating a Discord webhook

Feature Upvote uses a Discord feature called "webhooks". You’ll need to create a webhook using Discord. Here’s how:

  1. On Discord, create a text channel called Feature Requests or something similar. The name is not important so choose a name that suits you. You can also use an existing channel.
  2. Right-click on your Feature Requests channel and select “Edit channel”
  3. In the channel settings, find and click on “Integrations”
  4. Click on the "Create Webhook" button. Discord will now create a webhook and give it a name automatically.
  5. Open the webhook that was created for you, and change its name to something meaningful for you. We recommend you call it “Feature Upvote”, or similar.
  6. Click on “Copy Webhook URL”. This will copy a special URL into your computer's clipboard.
  7. You can now close the Discord channel settings.

Now switch to Feature Upvote.

  1. On your Feature Upvote dashboard, select  Settings.
  2. Select  Integrations.
  3. Find Discord in the list of integrations and click on  Enable.
  4. You’ll see some configuration options. In  Discord Webhook URL, paste the Webhook URL you created with Discord.
  5. Click on  Save changes.

Feature Upvote will immediately send a test message to your chosen Discord channel.

If you see this test message, your Discord integration is now configured correctly.

Using the Discord integration

Each new suggestion appears in your Discord channel and includes a button to view the new suggestion.

Likewise, each new comment appears in your Discord channel and includes a button to view the new comment.

Customising Discord integration

You have some options to control what exactly gets sent to Discord.

To change these options, from your board’s  Integrations settings, click on the Configure button in the Discord section.

The options you can configure are:

  • Whether to send notifications of new suggestions and comments to Discord, or only new suggestions.
  • Whether to abbreviate notifications of long comments.