Why Feature Upvote?

Feature Upvote is a lightweight tool that helps you organise and prioritise ideas from your team, or public feedback from your customers. You can get started immediately, and there is no learning curve for contributors.

  • Establish a more collaborative culture within your company or organisation
  • Surface the best ideas (as opposed to the ones made by the loudest people)
  • Make progress visible to your team and customers and boost morale
  • Drive growth by building products that customers need
  • Save time by organising feedback in one central place

Who uses Feature Upvote?

Our customers range from construction giants and major banks to community theatres and educational companies. They are located all over the world, speak many different languages, and work in different ways.

Getting direct feedback from customers at the time they are thinking about a pain point, or a new feature is invaluable and Feature Upvote facilitates this for us easily.

The product works well, support has been fantastic, value for money is spot on, and I’m hooked. I’d be lost without my customer input from Feature Upvote. I look at it every day.

Heather Paunet, Untangle’s VP of Product Management