Feature Upvote and SEO

We follow Google’s guidelines for SEO (search engine optimisation). This means your Feature Upvote suggestions are likely to rank well in Google’s search engine results pages.

You’ll find that as your list of suggestions grows, people will find suggestions directly by searching in Google. This has two benefits for you:

  1. This increases your web footprint, helping more people to find your product and website. A consequence of this is that people will be less likely to find your competitors.
  2. It decreases your support load, as people who would otherwise have written to you asking to make an improvement will find that the improvement is already on your suggestion list. Instead they’ll upvote it.

Here’s how a Feature Upvote suggestion might appear in Google:

An example of a Feature Upvote suggestion in the Google search results page

You can disable Google from indexing your suggestion board. Here is our help article.

How you can help Google

You should add a link to your Feature Upvote board on a page already indexed by Google. For example, your support page. Even better, add links on multiple pages – we find that Google likes this.

We’ve found that within a couple of weeks Google should find and index all the suggestions.

SEO techniques we use

Here are some specific SEO steps we’ve taken:

For your main board page

  • Your board name is in the HTML title tag as follows: “User suggestions – your board name
  • Your board name is in the meta description text: “Add and vote up suggestions for your board name.

For each suggestion

  • Each suggestion has its own page with an optimised URL (known as a slug)
  • The suggestion title appears in the HTML title tag and meta description
  • The suggestion title is presented using an HTML h1 tag
  • The suggestion creation date is wrapped in an HTML time tag
  • The suggestion text can easily be indexed by Google