Upvoting a suggestion or adding a comment

In this article


Your customers might want to upvote a suggestion or add a comment if:

  • They also want the suggested feature to be built
  • They want a suggested feature to be built but would like to add greater detail to the suggestion or suggest an amendment

How to upvote a suggestion

Customers select the suggestion they want to upvote (which can include clicking on the number of existing upvotes).

Upvote - part 1

They select the ‘upvote’ button.

Upvote - part 2

We make upvoting a two-step process so that customers actually read the suggestion and any comments and make an informed vote.

However, if you would like us to support a one-step process please add/upvote this suggestion on our own Feature Upvote feedback board.

Anyone can upvote a suggestion or add a comment.

For security purposes, you, as the board moderator, can see the date, IP address, OS, browser and device of each upvote. Select ‘voting options’ when viewing a suggestion.


Then choose ‘view upvotes’ to see the date, IP address, OS, browser and device of each upvote.

How to add a comment

Your customers simply select the suggestion they want to comment on and fill in the comment form.

Customers can edit comments for up to 30 minutes after posting them.
